Sunday 9 May 2010

Nostalgic Pain

What I do and I know I shouldn't, is to check his Facebook profile almost everyday! I know it looks obsessive and wrong. And it doesn't really help me! You are not a Facebook person. You have some activities, but you don't really change you status or profile photo everyday. In fact, you had the same profile photo since the day I added you.

Last night I went out to several places with this guy I met. Nothing sexual or dating. Just mates, going out and stuff. We went to a few places at soho and then we end up clubbing in Vauxhall. I got really drunk and I didn't though of you for a second. Only this morning when I went to bed, I actually thought that I'm okay, free.. I don't need you. I don't miss you, and I don't care of what you do...

Just a second ago I went to your profile again.
You changed you photo into something that took me back. A photo where you hold something personal I gave you. Something that meant a lot to us. And you send me that photo when I had to be away for a while, telling me that you missed me. Out of all your photos, why this one? Why the one with the thing I gave you? Why the one with the story and the meaning behind it?
Why won't you at least talk to me...

I can't stand this little stupid games. I know it's my fault for checking your profile. Otherwise I wouldn't have seen it. But I can't. I miss you... and I'm jealous.

I went out there. I met people. Can't do anything. I can't see in anyone what I saw in you. Not even the least of excitement. It's been 5 months since you left. I shouldn't be like that!
You moved on to someone new so quickly. Why do you have to bring me back all these memories?

I really want to ask you to remove it. But I don't have the right to. And I want to talk to you, and call you, and see you, hug you... kiss you...

What should I do? Do I ask you that? I can't just forget it. I just can't let you go... I can't pretend that nothing is happening and that photo is just a photo.... I really need guidance. But no one will listen :(


Nik_TheGreek said...

Unfortunately, some things only time can heal. There is no guidance to be given. Try to keep yourself busy with anything that might keep your mind occupied.
good luck...

MadeInScotland said...

if you fancy coming to our BBQ housewarming Sat 29 May from 3pm, email me for invite


Misiu said...

@Nik, I'm trying really hard at this point of my life. I'm on my final weeks of my degree so the only thing I do now is being busy! But instead of keeping my mind distracted from him.. he keeps my mind from everything else!

@Ahoj, I will contact you soon. Would be nice to meet!